KCA Corporation’s achievements and awards are best exemplified by our company’s
competitiveness at military installations for over 24 years. We have demonstrated
that we have the capabilities in the food service industry to be a world class provider.
We are proud of our accomplishments in the performance of military food service
contracts. Our record of quality services to the military is reflected by our performance
history. Over the past 14 years at Ft. Bragg, North Carolina we have averaged a
99% overall performance rating along with an excellent performance assessment by
our customers.
Our level of achievements and partnering skills are apparent. In conjunction with
the state licensing agency and the visually impaired vendor at Fort Bragg, North
Carolina, we were awarded FIRST PLACE in both the small and the large dining facility
categories in the 2010 Annual Phillip A. Connelly Awards
Program for Excellence in Army Food Services. This is the first time in the 42 year
history of the Connelly Award that an installation has won both awards. We won over
every Army Military installation in the world. Furthermore, it is the first time
that any contractor has ever won the awards in the same year for both categories.
We achieved an unparalleled record of accomplishment in our military dining facility
contracts. This performance has established high expectations for future endeavors,
not only for KCA Corporation, but for state licensing agencies and the visually-impaired
individuals as well.